
This ‘online CV’ has been created using Quarto - a python package I have been exploring recently to create dashboard summaries.

Quarto allows you to create dynamic markdown (amongst other things) that I have been using to provide KPI summaries for senior stakeholders.

At work I create Quarto documents that use the same data source as my dashboards but output to Word/PDF/Powerpoint. My stakeholders then have a 1 page summary of key dashboard stats that can be referenced in meetings etc without having to dig through a dashboard.

Using guidance published here: https://quarto.org/docs/publishing/github-pages.html

Steps to recreate this site:

  1. Clone this repo to begin or create your first page as index.qmd
  2. Using the quarto CLi, render the html from the .qmd file using: quarto render and output to a docs folder
  3. Push to your own repo
  4. In repo settings, go to Pages and select your docs folder as the source